Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Anthem Quote

“Then we knew. We were in the Uncharted Forest. We had not thought of coming here, but our legs had carried our wisdom, and our legs had brought us to the Uncharted Forest against our will.”

As I had written before, the Uncharted Forest is one of my favorite parts of this book. It symbolizes so much within itself. I chose this particular wrote because it reminded me of another quote very similar to it. In Fahrenheit 451, Montag says something very similar in nature when he kills Beatty. He blames his hands for his actions, instead of taking responsibility for his them. Equality is doing the same thing. This point in the book is Equality’s weakest moment. Throughout the entire book, when he was in the subway educating himself he knew and accepted that it was no one besides himself doing what he was doing. Just pages after his weak moment he realizes what he is doing, the book’s tone took an entirely new direction. It went from uncertain to confident and assured.

I also think the word choice for the “Uncharted” forest. Another word for uncharted is unknown or unfamiliar. This is a much better word choice then forbidden. It is ironic because forbidden is just a given, so instead of being called forbidden it was called uncharted.

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