Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth,Unapt to toil and trouble in the world,But that our soft conditions and our heartsShould well agree with our external parts?Come, come, you froward and unable worms!My mind hath been as big as one of yours,My heart as great, my reason haply more,To bandy word for word and frown for frown;But now I see our lances are but straws,Our strength as weak, our weakness past compare,That seeming to be most which we indeed least are.Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot,And place your hands below your husband's foot:In token of which duty, if he please,My hand is ready; may it do him ease.
I chose Kates end speech to analyze because it completely disgusted me. After reading through it in class I was waiting for Mr. Klimas to say that Kate was just being completely sarcastic or something but I guess that’s too good to be true. I chose the bottom half because it found it more appalling than the first half. In the beginning of the book Kate was so head strong it was almost annoying. And now she is just as annoying only on the opposite of the scale. In the beginning of this passage she talks about how women’s bodies are “weak and smooth” on the outside. Then she says that a woman’s inside should match her definition of the outside. So basically act weak and inferior in all situations. All of the words she uses are words of submission. She feels now that it is her duty to serve him and not to stick up for herself.
I liked the comedy books the best out of all of the books we read. I thought it was interesting learning that pretty much the same things that make us laugh today is comparatively the same humor that made people laugh hundreds of years ago. In Mid-summers night dream having a man dress up as a donkey and act like immaturely was funny. I thought the beginning of Taming of the shrew was funny as well. Playing a prank such as they did in the beginning is something that we as a people would do now-a-days and we would get just as many laughs out of it.
As for the book itself, I enjoyed it better than Mid-Summers Night Dream. I thought the beginning of the book was funny, and the fact that it tied into the theme of the story was very clever. The beginning character was easily convinced that he was something he was not just because of the environment around him. He lost his identity because of his environment. Much the same happened to Kate. She was extremely headstrong in the beginning, but once she spent enough time with Horsentio, the environment he created for her changed her identity. She adapted to her surrounds which in my opinion is human nature. No one is born a criminal, not being able to feed their own stomachs forms this identity. Although I do not like the ending of the book, I can appreciate it because I believe that is exactly how it would happen. Maybe not as fast as it did in the book, but with him working at her, her flame would have been put out eventually. Much like most women in abuse relationships, they all know at the first hit that it wasn’t right, and probably stuck up for themselves at first, but they quickly learned that the more they fought back, the more they get. So they adapt to they environment to make it a little easier for themselves. The only part I do not like about this book is that it tries to make light of a situation that I don’t believe is very funny.
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